10 Animals Willing to Make YOU into Lunch

While we’d like to believe that scientists and researchers know all there is to know about animals and wildlife, the truth is that it doesn’t really matter how much we know about the myriad of animal species on the planet. Unless they’re holed up in zoos, most animals are determined to keep control of their habitats and that means eradicating anything that stands in their way – even if what stands in the way happens to be a human being. The following are 10 animals who wouldn’t think twice before turning you into a meal.

10. Jaguars


Usually found in the western hemisphere, the rather large and insanely quick jaguar would prefer you stay out of his path. Truth be told, jaguar attacks against humans are rare but if you should happen to enter his habitat, perhaps while touring the Peruvian Amazon, you might want to refrain from doing anything stupid or provocative. The jaguar’s jaws, claws, and teeth will tear you to shreds in mere seconds.

9. Saltwater Crocodiles

Saltwater Crocodile - Kakadu NP

In Australia, saltwater crocodiles, otherwise known as “salties” are one of the most dangerous animals. Most victims are snatched while swimming in mucky water but they are occasionally attacked while standing on water banks and sometimes while standing or working on boat ramps, too. If you want to visit these beasts you should head towards the Kakadu National Park where you can see them lining the shores of the Adelaide River.

8. Great White Sharks

Great White Shark-SharkDiver.Com

Usually found off the shores of Southern Africa, great white sharks have been spotted off of the shores of California as well. Despite the terror they strike into the hearts of so many, great white sharks are incredible to see in person. If you’re brave enough you’ll want to schedule a shark diving expedition, complete with protective cages, to get a closer look.

7. Lions

Kafara, african lion male (munching a rabbit)

Lions appear tame in zoo cages but in the wild, like in their natural Tanzanian habitat, they’re willing to do whatever it takes to survive. Believe it or not, deaths caused by lion attack are not declining but are rising. Researchers believe this is because of human encroachment on their natural habitat combined with a decrease in hunting (resulting in a higher birth rate). The lions are hungry!

6. Cobras

45 Jaipur Street Cobra  Meeting IMG_4132ac

Cobras are usually found in Asia and Africa, in tropical climates, and are very frequently found in Southeast Asia. Able to grow up to 18 feet long, cobras are considered to be the largest venomous snake in the world and are responsible for killing at least 200-300 people every year. Cobras tend to migrate towards heavily populated areas because they know they’ll find ample food supplies there.

5. Polar Bears

May you always have love to share! Polar Bear and a Sled Dog in Hudson Bay, Canada

In the Manitoba province of Canada you’ll find a huge population of polar bears. While they’re often depicted in cartoons as friendly, fuzzy beasts, polar bears attack most often during the fall months when they are preparing for hibernation. Don’t attempt to approach a polar bear in person. Stay in your car or consider camping in a portable lodge so that you can watch the bears as they look in at you!

4. Hippopotamus


Yup – we said it. The usually friendly looking hippopotamus is more than willing to eat you if you get in his way. Despite the way they are portrayed in comics and cartoons, hippos are actually aggressive and irritable. While they usually eat plants, a hippopotamus will not think twice about attacking a large mammal, especially if it stands between him and his watering hole. In areas like Zambia, hippos are responsible for approximately 150 human deaths each year.

3. Bengal Tigers

Bengal Tigers Bengal Tigers 001. photo by Valerie Bastin.  Edited by Bill Byer. Memphis Tn.

Considered some of the most beautiful cats in the world, Bengal tigers are also incredibly dangerous. Bengal tigers can be found in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh but are becoming rarer due to human encroachment and poaching habits. All in all, you’d best keep your eyes peeled, especially in the Ranthambhore Bagh region. You’ll want to spot the Bengal before he spots you.

2. Wolves

Wolves living  in Jura Park, Switzerland (18)

We all joke about wolves being scary, especially after seeing them depicted in movies and in books. Truth be told, though, wolves are skilled predators and will do whatever it takes to get a meal. The most dangerous wolves exist in Siberia, especially near Russia’s Lake Baikal.

1. Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragon - Loh Buaya - Komodo

These mythical looking creatures, found predominantly in Indonesia, are the size of alligators and can smell their prey from distances up to two miles away. Komodo dragons hunt in packs and if you are lucky enough to survive an attack by his razor sharp teeth you’ll probably die of infection caused by the myriad of infectious, incurable bacteria he leaves behind. Komodo dragons haven’t killed too many people – mostly because the three islands where they’re usually found aren’t inhabited by humans.

Source: http://blog.ratestogo.com/dangerous-animals/

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