30 Tempat Yang Paling disukai Bakteri di Rumah

Ini adalah daftar dari statistik diterbitkan oleh Pusat Pengendalian. Untuk kompilasi daftar, peneliti mengunjungi 35 rumah, swabbing untuk bakteri di 32 lokasi di setiap rumah. Setelah Anda membaca daftar ini - segeralah anda melakukan bersih-bersih, FDA merekomendasikan 1 sendok teh kaporit pemutih ke 1 kuart air untuk membunuh bakteri dirumah. Gosokan!

1. Toilet bowl: 3.2 million bacteria/square inch
2. Kitchen drain: 567,845 bacteria/square inch
3. Sponge or counter-wiping cloth: 134,630 bacteria/square inch
4. Bathtub, near drain: 119,468 bacteria/square inch
5. Kitchen sink, near drain: 17,964 bacteria/square inch
6. Kitchen faucet handle: 13,227 bacteria/square inch
7. Bathroom faucet handle: 6,267 bacteria/square inch
8. Bathroom sink, near drain: 2,733 bacteria/square inch
9. Pet food dish, inside rim: 2,110 bacteria/square inch
10. Kitchen floor, in front of sink: 830 bacteria/square inch
11. Toilet floor, in front of toilet: 764 bacteria/square inch
12. Kitchen countertop: 488 bacteria/square inch
13. Bathroom countertop: 452 bacteria/square inch
14. Garbage bin: 411 bacteria/square inch
15. Dish towel: 408 bacteria/square inch
16. Toy: 345 bacteria/square inch
17. Kitchen tabletop: 344 bacteria/square inch
18. Home office phone or refrigerator door: 319 bacteria/square inch
19. Toilet seat: 295 bacteria/square inch
20. Bathroom light switch: 217 bacteria/square inch
21. Microwave buttons: 214 bacteria/square inch
22. Kitchen chopping board: 194 bacteria/square inch
23. Child-training potty: 191 bacteria/square inch
24. Infant changing mat and infant high chair: 190 bacteria/square inch
25. Kitchen phone: 133 bacteria/square inch
26. Bathroom door’s inside handle: 121 bacteria/square inch
27. Toilet’s flush handle: 83 bacteria/square inch
28. TV remote control: 70 bacteria/square inch
29. Home office computer keyboard: 64 bacteria/square inch
30. Home office computer mouse: 50 bacteria/square inch.

sumber: http://woamu.blogspot.com/2009/08/30-tempat-yang-paling-disukai-bakteri.html

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